Sermons at Oasis
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Oasis Community church led by Pastor Billy Claudio in Scottsdale, AZ. We strive to love God, love life, and love people.To learn more visit
241 episodes
The Glorious Promise of Peace | Gene James
Christmas is a season that stirs hope, joy, and the longing for peace in the hearts of many. We as Christians, have been given peace through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
The Glorious Promise of Hope | Dawn Claudio
In a world filled with uncertainty, longing, and the search for meaning, people often find themselves asking, "Where can I find true hope?" The answer is clear and unwavering: Jesus is the hope of the world! His birth over 2,000 years ago wasn’...
United in Love | Billy Claudio
A lot of the early Christians were Jewish, but as the gospel spread that changed. Today, we see people from all walks of life accepting Christ and following Him as Lord and Savior. Even though we may differ on topics, we must be united in love ...
Your Unique Gift and Call | Billy Claudio
Each and every single one of us has a calling on our lives to bring the hope of Salvation to the lost and the broken. God has given us unique gifts to spread the Good News. Let's live our faith in a vibrant way! You don't want to miss this mess...
Update From India | Bishop Thomas Jr.
We are so thankful for Bishop Thomas Jr. and all the work he is doing in India. Check out this message to hear how God moving in India through your missional support.
Be One of Them | Andy Milich
In Acts 11, we see the persecution of Christians. They were scattered. This persecution was the very thing that allowed the gospel to spread further than they could have ever imagined. They were on mission, having gospel conversations and empow...
What am I here for? | Billy Claudio
God is inviting us to break down barriers in our lives in order for us to be better ministers of the gospel. You may ask yourself, “what am I here for?” You are here to unite others through the power of Christ Jesus and what He has done for us....
A Change of Plans | Billy Claudio
God has an amazing plan for all of our lives. God is drawing you to Himself. It doesn't matter what you have done or who you are, God can and WILL use you! We see this is Acts 9, in Saul's transformation into Paul. Check it out!
Ordinary to Extraordinary | Billy Claudio
We see in the book of Acts men living ordinary lives. Their response to God’s calling radically transforms that to extraordinary. Just like God did amazing things through their lives, God wants to do the same for you. Who you are has purpose...
Stand Boldly for Truth | Gene James
In Acts chapters 6 and 7, we see members of the church coming into new roles and positions in order to care for those who are in need. These men of faith served where they were called, stood boldly for truth and when persecution came, they forg...
Great Generosity and Deadly Deception | Mark Buckley
"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had." - Acts 4:32More than ever, we as believers must be of one heart and mind, listening to and f...
Being a Disciple | Billy Claudio
In Acts chapters 3 and 4 we see the power of the Holy Spirit move through Peter and John, and the persecution that comes with it. These men were bold in their faith, and shared Christ in every circumstance showing us how to be disciples.
The Birth of the Church | Billy Claudio
"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place." Acts 2:1Everything changed when the Spirit of the Living God landed among his people. They began to preach the good news to all people. And those who heard the word c...
Called to Witness | Billy Claudio
The Book of Acts is the sequel to the gospels. A story of the Holy Spirit and His work through those who follow Jesus. Jesus set the perfect example. Be a witness everywhere you go!
God's Plan for You | Billy Claudio
From cover to cover, God's plan for us is shown all throughout the Bible: to know God, grow healthy, discover your purpose and make a difference in the lives of others. It's time to start having vision for your life and living the way God inten...
God Said it, He'll Do it | Johnnie Fry
We see God's faithfulness in the book of Daniel. What He promises, He is good to fulfill. Even in the midst of difficulty, God is refining us and being true to what He says. You don't want to miss this powerful message as Pastor Johnnie breaks ...
Powerful Persistent Prayer | Gene James
In Chapter 10 of Daniel, we see a glimpse into the spiritual realm and the intense battles that occur in Heavenly places. We can learn much from Daniel’s 21 day commitment to prayer and fasting. The fervent, effective prayer of the righteous av...
Prayers and Promises | Luke Detraz
In the book of Daniel, we see Daniel waiting on the Lord, being faithful in his prayer for his people, and remembering God's promises. Join us as we continue in chapter 9, and see how we too can follow in Daniel's footsteps with our guest speak...
He's Still Working | Gene James
Pastor Gene preached a powerful message going through Daniel chapter 8 hitting points about God's sovereignty, why we persevere, and the importance of Godly wisdom.
Prophecies of Daniel | Andy Milich
The book of Daniel can be broken down into two separate parts: His life and his dreams (prophecies). As we start the prophecies of Daniel, let this be a reminder to keep looking for God in the midst of hardship. Anything under God's control is ...
Make Courage a Habit | Joshua Pinkston
Daniel’s life can be summarized with one word: Faithfulness. Daniel showed steadfastness to God in not only the big things but the small. His courage and faithfulness is an example to us on how we should live.
Humble Yourselves | Gene James
It is important to not be wise in your own eyes, seek the Lord and depart from things that are evil. In Daniel 5 we see the benefits of following the Lord and the consequences of being prideful. Check out this impactful message from Pastor Gene...
Where's Your Focus? | Andy Milich
When we put our focus on God and give Him the glory, everything changes. If you want to change the path of your life, change the person who gets the praise. We see this in the book of Daniel, check it out!